FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2025 at 10:00 AM
15134 N AVENUE
COL. JEFF OBRECHT (515-689-1648)
COL. JASON ETNYRE (641-373-0879)
COL. KELLEN SUNTKEN (515-571-8565)
LISTING # 25101
The auction will be held at the Musson farm at 15134 N Avenue, Iowa Falls, Iowa.
From Iowa Falls, take State Highway #65 south to 155th Street, then go one mile east on 155th Street. Please follow the auction signs to the sale site.
FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 2025 at 10:00 AM
*JD 8300 Tractor-1999-3918 Hrs.-8 Hyd.
46” Duals-FWA-Quick Hitch-Pre Def.
*JD 2030 Tractor-1972-Utility-Gas
3021 hrs-JD #48 Loader
*JD 6115R Tractor-2014-388 hrs-FWA
JD 310 Quick Tach Loader-7’ Bucket
*JD 4630 Tractor-1975-8660 hrs
18.4 x 38” Front Tank & Weights
*JD 3010 Tractor-1961-Gas
Narrow Front-4664 hrs-3 pt
*JD 4020 Tractor-1970-Diesel-Fac.-Cab
7850 hrs-4 Hyd-Console-148 Loader
JD Model #320 Skid Steer-Diesel
AC-Cab-5978 hrs-6’ Bucket
JD Model B Tractor
1949-Electric Start
JD Model 165 Backhoe
Brent #420 Grain Cart Case 3 x 16” Pull Plow
JD #7300 12R Vacuum Planter-Fold Ram Gravity Wagon-300 bu
JD #230-Tandem Disk-26’ Killbros Gravity Wagon-300 bu
JD #845 R.M. Cult-12 Row Parker Gravity Wagon w/ Auger
JD Field Cult.-#980-28’-3 bar raker Homemade Trailer-8’ x 16’-Tilt
JD #693 Corn Head IHC 4 x 14” Plow-Fast Hitch
Besler St. Chopper-12 Row Westfield 8” x 31’ Auger
*JD 2022 15M Bat Wing Mower-New Grain Auger-8” x 52’
JD #609 Rotary Mower Kan Sun Grain Dryer
JD Model #3 Post Hole Digger-3pt. DMC Air System-4”-15HP
Grain-O-Vator Feed Wagon Misc. Dryer Equipment
JD Snow Blower-3 pt-8’ Sperry Rand Sickle Mower-Pull
JD #609 Rotary Mower Portable Concrete Mixer
JD Head Mover Utility Trailer-8’ x 16’-Single Axle
Frontier Front Hay Spear-New Frontier Pallet Forks- New
JD Sprayer 550 Gallon-48’ boom Hay Spear-3 pt
JD Elevator-52’-Hyd. Lift Winco PTO Generator-1500 Watt
JD Blade-3 pt-8’ Barge Box/Gear 6’ x 10’
450 Gallon Plastic Tank Utility Trailer-7’x 14’ BH
Water Wagon-1000’ Gallon-T. Axle 3-550 Gallon Fuel Tanks
2-1000 Gallon LP Tanks Big Square Bale Carrier
Feterl Grain Cleaner 2-14’ Hay Racks/Gear
Round Bale Trailer 3-Running Gears
M&W RC456 Hay Rake
Round Pen w/ 12 Gates Numerous Cattle Gates
(6) 16’ Hog Panels Cattle Head Gate
3 Round Hay Feeders 4’ Goat Feeder
Calf Puller Action Company Saddle
Wooden Cattle Feeder/Skids 100 Bales of Straw
50 Bales of Hay Sure Weigh Livestock Scale
Lots of other gates and equipment
Cherry Picker Red Arrow Hyd. Press
Dura Kraft Drill Press Coates 30/30 Tire Machine
(4) Bin Jacks Lincoln Stick Welder
Battery Charger Floor Jacks
Tool Chest (2 Piece) Handyman Jack
Craftsman Bench Grinder Pails of New Hydraulic Oil
Omni Band Saw Cam Spray Power Washer
Sanborn Air Compressor w/ Hose Reel
Numerous other hand tools and miscellaneous items
JD Adams Yard Drag Cultipacker
JD 2 Row Planter (3 pt) Old Milk Cans
IH One Bottom Horse Plow (2) Wooden Chicken Crates
Cream Separator Portable Chicken Pen w/ Nests
Redwing 3, 4, & 6 Gallon Crocks Radio Flyer Wagon
2 Row Cultivator w/ Steel Wheels Hand Crank Corn Sheller
JD Pedal Tractor & IHC Pedal Tractor (both need parts & work)
Several other antique and collectible items
ONLINE BIDDING: Items marked with * will be available for online bidding. All items sold online must be paid for via wire transfer or cashier‘s check. Mid Iowa Real Estate, Auctions, & Appraisals cannot be held liable for any technical difficulties relating to the server, software, internet, or other online auction-related technologies. Bidders shall have no claims against the auction company or Sellers if their bids are not accepted. All items must be picked up within 7 days of the auction.
This machinery will be sold at the end of all the other machinery and equipment from the estate, which should be about 1:30 pm.
Lot 1: JD 2022 15M Bat Wing Mower-New
Lot 2: JD 2030 Tractor-1972-Utility-Gas-3021 hrs-JD #48 Loader
Lot 3: JD 3010 Tractor-1961-Gas-Narrow Front-4664 hrs-3 pt
Lot 4: JD 4020 Tractor-1970-Diesel-Fac. Cab-7850 hrs-4 Hyd-Console-148 Loader
Lot 5: JD 4630 Tractor-1975-8660 hrs-18.4 x 38” Front Tank & Weights
Lot 6: JD 6115R Tractor-2014-388 hrs-FWA- JD 310 Quick Tach Loader-7’ Bucket
Lot 7: JD 8300 Tractor-1999-3918 Hrs.-8 Hyd.-46” Duals-FWA-Quick Hitch-Pre Def.